Friday, October 12, 2012

Adventure Camp Weekend

A few weekends ago Eric and I took the kids camping at Adventure Camp with some of his extended family. I believe that they have been going on this camping trip for 25+ years, and Eric and I have been lucky enough to join them for the last several years. We don't get to spend nearly as much time as we would like with his family, so we always look forward to this trip and have a great time. Here are a few pictures from our weekend there.

On our way in we saw this group of turkeys:
Eric, Travis & Jackson went and tried a little mountain boarding:

All the kids loved playing in the "big sandbox" (aka volleyball area)
There is a beautiful tree by the river there that makes a perfect picture spot, even if you won't take your helmet off. :)
The cabins are great and we stayed warm even though it got pretty chilly at night!
I'm not sure whose idea this was, but who doesn't enjoy a game of chubby bunny!
The kids had a great time playing with cousins:
(Reagan & Vada Belle)
And even the "big kids" enjoyed spending time with their cousins, too!
Hunter, Kayla, Aaron Ray, Travis, Kodia & Eric
Our nights were spent by the fire talking, playing cards, and listening to giggles from sweet kids.
Elsie and Ansley fought over Kodia's lap!
Jackson & Ellie
And by the time night came around, the kids were so exhausted it didn't take them anytime to go to sleep, even if they were in the middle of brushing their teeth.
On Sunday we went to church,
and then went by to visit with Gramma Winkie, Grandpa David & Uncle Marsall.
As you can see, Adventure Camp is such a beautiful place that is perfect for the kids to run around and play until they can play no more! We had a wonderful time and are excited about next years trip!

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