When I was younger some of my favorite books were the Little Critter books, by Mercer Mayer. I can remember my mom reading them to me over and over again and thinking they were so funny. Fast forward many years later. . . . I was getting ready to go out on maternity leave from a job I loved so much (because I worked with some of the best people!) and one day my wonderful friend, Sharon Rucker, had me a handful of Little Critter books to take for "baby boy Clifton" (since he still didn't have a name!) that had been discarded from the library. I had no idea at the time that I would be using these books so much while teaching that little baby boy that was in my belly how to read, and how fast the time would go until I was teaching him to read! So, thank you mom for instilling the love of Mercer Mayer's book in me, and thank you Sharon (who by the way is not only a great friend, but was also my kindergarten teacher, the teacher I did my student teaching with, and my mentor when I was teaching!) for giving Jackson his favorite books!
Jackson reading "I Was So Mad"
Jackson reading "First Day of School"