Wednesday, January 6, 2016

December 2016

December is always such a fun, hectic, and wonderful month. I already wrote about Jessica's wedding, the girls Nutcracker performance and Jackson's banjo recital, but here are some more fun moments of our wild month.
We started out the month by going to the Boone Christmas parade, all three girls had Nutcracker rehearsal, and then Jackson was in the Mountain City Christmas parade with the Boy Scouts, and all of these things happened on the very same day.
We decorated our house for Christmas, Eric filled in preaching one Sunday for a friend of his, we had the stomach bug hit a couple of kids in our house, we had a baby shower for Leslie and Todd, and then baby Titus decided to make his appearance a bit early, so we got to go meet the newest member of our family this month, too!
 The kids had their Christmas Music Performance at school:
 They had Christmas parties, and a very special gift was sent to the 2nd graders from the North Pole!
Mailing their letters to Santa in the big red mailbox in town:
 Jessica and Craig at their rehearsal dinner, and opening gifts with our McDaniel cousins:
 We also had our Christmas play at church:
 We went to Bass Pro Shop when Santa was visiting there one day so the kids could remind him what they wanted, but by the time we got to him, Vada Belle wanted absolutely nothing to do with Santa!
 Shopping with this crew can be wild.... and exhausting to Elsie:
Baby Felix posing for his picture on the Christmas card. How sweet is he?!?
Then the Christmas party madness began. First we had the Watson side Christmas party, which we had at Sharpie's this year:
When we got home from the Watson Christmas party, the kids were able to give their once a year hugs to Simon, our Elf on the Shelf, before we put him back in the box for Santa to pick up on his way back to the North Pole. Ansley made him a necklace before he left, and they are wondering if he will wear it when he comes back next year:
Christmas Eve tradition of reading The Night Before Christmas and having a sleepover in mom and dad's room! It wasn't long before Santa came:
 The kids on Christmas morning opening their presents. The only thing Elsie asked for was some Shopkins, Jackson wanted Mixels, Ansley wanted a jewelry making kit, Vada Belle wanted a princess dress, and Felix didn't seem to mind what he got.

 Christmas at Mamaw Dianne and Papaw Fred's on Christmas morning:
 At first Ansley had asked Santa for an American Girl doll for Christmas. We talked about since we have so many kids in our family that he isn't able to spend that much on their present. Ansley then said, "But he makes the presents," to which we had to tell about copyright laws. :) I had NO IDEA that my mom had bought each one of her granddaughters an American Girl doll. If I did, I would've definitely had my video camera ready to capture Ansley's reaction. She got huge tears in her eyes and said, "Is this really for me?" She was so excited and hasn't put her doll down.
Jackson was beyond thrilled with all of his Lego sets he got and Felix was a fan of his new moccasins from Jessica and Craig. Jenny and Leslie brought a new doll dress for each one of the girls for their new dolls- I think my kids and I might have been the only ones to not know that they were getting them!
 With Mamaw and Papaw and then telling Jessica and Craig good-bye before they left to go on their honeymoon to Belize!
 On Christmas night Eric's side of the family came to our house for some family time. There are always lots of laughs when we get together with them, and the kids love spending time with them all.

When we had Christmas at Mamaw Ollie's, it didn't feel like December weather at all! It was sunny, warm, and I couldn't believe Felix could actually wear his shorts Christmas outfit. The kids took advantage of the warm weather by playing outside and climbing in the tree.
 The kids with their Christmas gifts from everyone:

Felix turned 5 months on December 29th, and he has learned so much this last month! He will roll to get to wherever he wants to go, grab whatever comes within his reach, he can sit for several seconds at a time, has started eating some pureed foods and baby oatmeal, but he still likes to party all night long. He has the most contagious smile, though, and loves laughing at his big brother and sisters!
What a wonderful year 2015 was for our family. We are so thankful to God for his many blessings on us this year.